Allan Taylor: The endless highway

Track listing
- The Endless Highway: A Documentary Film narrated by Allan Taylor
This set includes Blu-ray Disc + a standard NTSC, Region Free DVD. The first documentary film about a Stockfisch artist Allan Taylor's life as musician.
Allan says: "What we aimed to do was to make a film about a traveling troubadour, how he gets his ideas for songs, how he writes songs, how he plays the concerts and how he travels from city to city - we wanted to show the lifestyle of a singer-songwriter. Having been on the road now for forty years I can't imagine what else I could have done. Perhaps if I had been better at the business side of music I might have been rich and famous, but my problem was I would never compromise in life or music, and really, all I wanted to do was to write songs, play music and see the world... ".
This film also delivers insight into the genesis of a song: idea, lyrics, composition, performance and recording in studio.
[ Format: BR/DVD ]
[ Cost: R390.00 ]
[ Product availability: Currently Out of Stock ]